Basis for the offer

To make you an offer, please send me the floor plans, sections, views and the site plan as a PDF. We can then discuss how many pictures you need and whether you would like a photomontage.

Processing basis

Once the order has been placed, I need DXF/DWG files as a basis; photos of the surroundings are also helpful. If a photomontage is desired, now is the time to determine the perspective and consult with a photographer.


I then import the files into my 3D programme and use them to create a 3D model on the computer. The next step is to assign the desired materials to the individual components. Photos can be helpful here to determine the exact material and colour. Next, vegetation, people, furniture etc are added to the model. In between, there will always be test shots for the coordination of materials and furnishings in the scene. The easiest and quickest way to do this is via the internet and telephone.

When everything has been done to your satisfaction, the final image will be calculated in high resolution for the printing process. These final images will then be made available to you on my web server. You can easily download them from there.

Notes on image size and resolution

The image resolution is specified in pixels in the same way as for images from a digital camera, for example 5000 x 4000 pixels (my standard resolution). Since the image is now to be printed, the pixel size must be set in relation to the print resolution, for which there is the ominous abbreviation DPI.

How much DPI the printout requires depends primarily on the viewing distance. The viewer’s eye has approximately the accuracy represented by the angular resolution of one minute of arc, i.e. the distance between two dots that can still be recognized separately. To calculate the resolution, we need the tangent function, and since DPI means Dots Per Inch, we also need the conversion to inches. The following formula calculates the required resolution from the viewing distance in meters:

Resolution in dpi = 0.0254 m / (tan(0.0167°) x viewing distance)

If the image is now to be placed on a construction sign, you need to know the size of the image on the construction sign (not that of the entire construction sign!), for example 300 x 200 centimeters and the resolution (in DPI, see above) in which it is to be printed. Now simply create a new empty file in an image editing program with these specifications: 300 x 200 centimetres and a resolution of 25 DPI as an example. If you then call up the image size function, you will see that this corresponds to 2953 x 1969 pixels; this is the size in which the image should be calculated.

For more detailed information, especially if other types of paper are used, please ask your graphic designer, advertising agency or printing company.